How to Train For Triathlon

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Triathlon is a great way to burn fat and build cardiovascular endurance. It also offers a holistic approach to fitness, with all three disciplines providing full-body strength training.

You can start your six-week triathlon training plan immediately if you already have some fitness level. Otherwise, begin by building a foundation with basic workouts.

A good portion of your training will be spent preparing for the triathlon swim leg. Front crawl (freestyle) is the stroke of choice for most triathletes as it provides an efficient and streamlined motion while being relatively easy on the body.

Rotating during a swim is key to getting the most power from your arms. However, over-rotation can lead to a loss of alignment and power. Try to keep your rotation limited to 30-35 degrees.

Breathing is also important in triathlon. In pool training, breathing every stroke cycle to the same side is usually recommended, but in open water conditions where choppy or unpredictable water can make breathing close to the surface nearly impossible, breathing to both sides may be necessary.
During your triathlon preparation, include at least one open water swimming workout per week. Ideally, this will be done in conditions similar to those of your race location.

You might have to suppress a twinge of carbon-fiber envy when you watch elite athletes pedal away at their first triathlon, but for your first race, all you need is something with two wheels, inflated tires, and brakes that function. In fact, many beginners finish successfully on the borrowed mountain or commuter bikes.

You'll also need a helmet, which is mandatory for triathlon, and sunglasses if you plan to be out at dawn or dusk. A pair of shoes that you can clip into your bike pedals for the cycling leg is a must, as is a water bottle and something to put in it for fueling on the run.

A good rule of thumb is to train on the same bike you will be racing on, especially if you choose a time trial -- or TT -- bike, which has the rider in a very aero position. Failing to practice in that position can lead to tight backs and stiff necks on race day, eliminating any aero benefits.

Most triathlon training plans include basic workouts to help you build your running, swimming, and cycling endurance. Some may also include specialized run workouts like 4 x 400s on a track, which helps athletes learn to pace themselves for speed and distance.

Many first-time triathletes are tempted to sign up for an Ironman distance race right away, but the wiser approach is to aim for a sprint or Olympic race. This gives you a realistic goal to work towards and allows you to train without putting too much stress on your body in the early stages of your triathlon journey.

Given your other commitments, determine how many hours per week you can dedicate to triathlon training. It's a good idea to start with a small number of weekly workouts and gradually increase these as you get closer to your race date. It's also important to eat properly and regularly refuel after your workouts. A glass of milk is a great post-run recovery drink, recommends Marni Sumbal, a board-certified sports dietitian and triathlon coach.

Strength Training
While your triathlon training will focus heavily on your three core sports, you must incorporate strength training. Strength exercises build your muscles' ability to express force, making them more resilient against fatigue and injury.

Incorporate a variety of strength workouts into your program, from explosive lifting for running to bodyweight exercises for cycling. A good rule of thumb is to incorporate one strength workout for every two cyclings and run workouts.

Consider adding a few speed workouts on a track to your training once you've reached a point where you can do four to five 400-meter laps without feeling overexerted. This kind of interval training will help you improve your run fitness and learn how to pace yourself during race day.

Make sure to take a rest day between each strength training session. Too much intense endurance and strength training can interfere with each other, reducing your strength gains and potentially leading to injury.


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