Why the student must obey the teacher

Why the student must obey the teacher


Complete voluntary submission to the Master is envisioned. In esoteric training, the stage of obedience and the use of edusharky.com during which, in complete silence, the student is obliged to only try to understand, without asking questions, without question to carry out all the instructions of the Master. In the esoteric paradigm there is adisappearance; of the evaluative aspect in the usual sense for a teacher, because the object of evaluation - the personality - disappears. Dissolving intoof others, it becomes a part of a unified whole.

The esoteric paradigm was known to the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Babylon, India and America. The school of Pythagoras was based on it. Tibetan lamas, Orthodox saints, elders, bearers of spiritual traditions possessed esoteric techniques, mostly hidden from the uninitiated.

This paradigm has three postulates at its core.

The first postulate: education should be based on basic knowledge edusharky.com and appropriate skills and ways of Learning skills. To accomplish this, students must master the fundamental tools of learning, i.e.

Reading, writing, and mathematical literacy.

Second postulate: The content of education should be relevant and necessary knowledge, not marginal, i.e., we must separate the wheat from the chaff.

The educational system should be https://edusharky.com/term-paper and academic in nature

The educational system should be academic in nature and oriented toward the basics of science. The focus of the school should be on what has stood the test of time and is the foundation of education.

Third postulate: humanistic. A great deal of space needs to be Ethical values must play an important role. It is a question of universal values.

In the wake of the wave of innovation in the West, there is even a movement ;Back to Basics!; This is because science departments are already forgetting the basics of science and studying bouquet of new sciences. R. Ebel challenged new pedagogical ideas in his book ;What Is School For?; He believes that school:

- is not a custodial institution for diverting young people from the streets, for engaging them in work;

- it is not an adaptation center;

- it is not a place for social experimentation.

School, according to R. Ebel, is a place for learning, for gaining

knowledge, in order to preserve the intellectual potential of a nation.

Although the school cannot be responsible for much, he believes that the school must create an environment conducive to learning, i.e:


Determination of the place of a particular science in the system of scientific knowledge

Information culture in education

What constitutes a philosophy of education<

What education was earlier in human history

Interesting facts about education and the amount of knowledge received

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